The most important management personalities are the Managing Directors and Team leaders in the affiliate companies. All operational decisions are made here, and the success of each company is established on site. Setting the course for further acquisitions and developing an overarching plan are a central part of the business division – with its compact but powerful team.
Dietrich Barsch
Menno Koel
Rainer Canstein
Our CEO Dietrich Barsch leads the business division of Possehl Identification Solutions (PID). From the start Dietrich has taken charge of both Logopak and Novexx Solutions. He has also acquired multiple other entities like EIDOS, Nordvalls and Etipack. Dietrich Barsch is assisted in PID by Menno Koel and Rainer Canstein. They are supported by the Managing Directors from the individual PID companies. Dietrich is also Managing Director from POSSEHL Mittelstandsbeteiligungen (PMB).